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×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 6 Feb and 11 Feb.
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Direct plug-in digital instrumentation system for all 2014 and newer Harley Davidson Street Glide, Road Glide, Ultra Classic and CVO touring models.
Dig into the 31 illumination colors; independently select colors for the main gauge reading, message center information, bar-graph readouts and gauge labels, or choose from 12 preset themes! The message centers below the main speed and tach readings offer plenty of information and can be configured to show just what the rider wants to see. Gauge display automatically dims for comfortable night time riding and brightens to a high contrast mode for excellent visibility, even in direct sunlight.
Speedometer can be calibrated for custom-gearing situations and allows the user to select MPH or km/H in the setup menu.
The two smaller gauges can be programed by the rider for their ideal layout; out of the box options include oil temperature, fuel level and voltage, while boost, air suspension pressure and compass heading can be had with the appropriate MBM upgrade modules!
To top it all off, the MLX-8414 features Bluetooth technology for the available mobile app for both Android and Apple iOS devices. Continuously access the setup and customization preferences with your smart phone or tablet!
MLX-8414 utilizes the stock chrome trim rings from the OEM gauges.
Dakota Digital Instrument systems are shipped from the factory with "0" miles on the odometer. Odometer can be set by the installer multiple times within the first 100 miles of driving. In the event of an error or oversight, the odometer reading can be corrected at the factory for a charge. Please contact Dakota Digital to arrange this service.
Additional expansion modules available, see related.
Units: Set of 4
Housing Color: Black
Product Name: Gauge Kit
Face Color: Black
Style: Electronic
Type: Digital Fuel Gauge| Digital Volt Meter| Multi-Function Speedometer| Oil Pressure| Oil Temperature| Tachometer| Tripmeter
Part numbers
All orders are shipped with either DPD, Fedex, UPS, DHL or Royal Mail. The courier used to ship your order is determined by ourselves once your order has been placed and normally depends on the size, volume and the shipping destination. The selected courier for your order will be quoted in your order confirmation email which you will receive once we have processed your order. Once your order has been shipped, this will be confirmed via email and you will receive a tracking number so you can keep an eye on your shipments progress.
Usually ships in 3-4 weeks
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 25 Feb and 3 Mar.
×Usually ships in 3-4 weeks
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 25 Feb and 3 Mar.
×Usually ships in 3-4 weeks
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 25 Feb and 3 Mar.
×Usually ships in 3-4 weeks
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 25 Feb and 3 Mar.
×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 6 Feb and 11 Feb.
×Shipping Cost
To view the total cost including shipping please advance to the basket and select your shipping country.