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×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 6 Feb and 11 Feb.
×Shipping Cost
To view the total cost including shipping please advance to the basket and select your shipping country.
×Overview of the product
Dimensions 109mm wide x 47mm high x 11mm deep
The motoscope pro is the most recent generation of motogadget's digital dashboard series.
Cutting edge technology enables us to create ultra-slim casing designs. 734 LEDs - governed by a 16-bit RISC processor - create an almost rimless, self-illuminating display matrix. It provides optimal readability even under conditions of direct sunlight. Automatic brightness control is a matter of course.
The rev-counter is displayed fully scalable via the analogue LED band with drag indicator function. Main and secondary display are user configurable. Another display section shows the gear currently engaged.
Four indicator lights are pre-installed and can be used for far more input signals via the Breakout Boxes. The motoscope pro is equipped with a fully-fledged CAN-bus interface and thus ready for many of tomorrow's developments like for example the plug 'n ride Breakout-Box Triumph (please see tab 'Triumph' above).
The dashboard communicates over a proprietary digital one-wire bus (m-Bus) with additional Breakout Boxes to easily expand the application spectrum. This makes the dashboard highly versatile and makes application to a wide range of vehicles and tasks possible.
The billet aluminium casing is cnc-machined and is easily mounted by two backside threaded holes. The instrument is equipped with an ABE and does not have to be registered.
Parts delivered:
motoscope pro with ca. 55 cm connector cable, speedometer sensor M5 x 0,5 fine-pitch thread (stainless steel, IP67) with ca. 150 cm connector cable, 2 magnets, 9-pin connector kit, in-line fuse, 2 stainless steel screws, detailed installation and operating instructions.
Note: Breakout box is required and must be purchased separately
Color/Finish: Black
Units: Each
Product Name: Dash
Part numbers
All orders are shipped with either DPD, Fedex, UPS, DHL or Royal Mail. The courier used to ship your order is determined by ourselves once your order has been placed and normally depends on the size, volume and the shipping destination. The selected courier for your order will be quoted in your order confirmation email which you will receive once we have processed your order. Once your order has been shipped, this will be confirmed via email and you will receive a tracking number so you can keep an eye on your shipments progress.
Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 6 Feb and 11 Feb.
×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 6 Feb and 11 Feb.
×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 6 Feb and 11 Feb.
×Shipping Cost
To view the total cost including shipping please advance to the basket and select your shipping country.