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×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 7 Feb and 12 Feb.
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×Does Your EFI Bike Pop? Spit? Backfire? Start Hard? Run Hot? Crappy Fuel Mileage? Would you like to have full control of your EFI system, freedom to make major or minor adjustments without a master’s degree in electronics and computers? Here is a simple solution - ThunderMax with AutoTune! The ThunderMax is a completely new product that replaces the factory Electronic Control Module (ECM), not an add-on box or signal modifier. The ThunderMax is purpose-built to deliver uncompromising performance but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to program it or make adjustments.
Just how easy is it? In most applications, installation is a straightforward replacement of the factory module and oxygen sensors. The ThunderMax software contains hundreds of base maps that cover over 80% of popular factory and aftermarket combinations, dyno-developed on real motorcycles. Choosing a map is a quick and easy process thanks to the ThunderMax software’s sorting filters; loading a map takes less than a minute. After that, you’re ready to start the motorcycle. Once running, let the bike warm up at idle to operating temperature while the software automatically dials in idle and warm-up settings for that particular engine and you’re ready to ride! During your ride, every time you ride, the ThunderMax AutoTune module analyzes the air/fuel ratio read by the wide-band oxygen sensors at warp speed after every cylinder fire and makes any necessary adjustments to the injector pulse width to achieve the desired air/fuel ratio while compensating for variations in engine components such as injectors, fuel pressure or exhaust flow.That’s it! All you have to do is ride.
But as simple as we’ve made the ThunderMax to install and use, don’t be fooled into thinking that this not one of the most sophisticated systems you can buy for your Harley®. Using the supplied SmartLink software and communication cable, you can adjust or monitor virtually every parameter of the system:
ThunderMax makes more sense in the long run as the system can grow and change as your engine does - just load a new map! ThunderMax software, firmware and maps updates are free and accessible 24/7 with an Internet connection so you’re only a mouse-click away from the latest available data. The ThunderMax is designed and manufactured right here in the USA and backed by a 3-year warranty!
Feature: Includes Two Oxygen Sensors
Product Name: Electronic Control Module
Programming: Autotune| Downloadable Maps
Units: Kit
Oxygen Loop Control: Closed Loop
Base Color: Black
Model: ThunderMax
Oxygen Sensor Band: Wide-Band
Physical Connection: Plug-In (OEM Style Connectors)
Type: Air/Fuel Ratio
Part numbers
All orders are shipped with either DPD, Fedex, UPS, DHL or Royal Mail. The courier used to ship your order is determined by ourselves once your order has been placed and normally depends on the size, volume and the shipping destination. The selected courier for your order will be quoted in your order confirmation email which you will receive once we have processed your order. Once your order has been shipped, this will be confirmed via email and you will receive a tracking number so you can keep an eye on your shipments progress.
Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 7 Feb and 12 Feb.
×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 7 Feb and 12 Feb.
×Usually ships in 2-5 business days
All orders are shipped out of our UK premises. Estimated shipping date between 7 Feb and 12 Feb.
×Shipping Cost
To view the total cost including shipping please advance to the basket and select your shipping country.